Labor and Employment Arbitration and Mediation
Ms. Charles has rendered hundreds of arbitration awards and other findings in connection with union grievances and other complaints. Similarly, through mediating these types of disputes, she has enabled parties to reach agreement on terms suitable to them. Her deep understanding of the dynamics of the workplace and the laws that govern it has been the hallmark of her ability to bring disputes regarding matters of discrimination, contract interpretation, discipline and others to a final and binding decision.
Commercial and Consumer Arbitration and Mediation
Ms. Charles is listed with the American Arbitration Association on its commercial and consumer arbitration rosters. Handling such cases require an appreciation for the intricacies of litigation. Due to years of experience in contract drafting and dispute resolution regarding matters of contract interpretation, Ms. Charles is poised to deal with the complexities that arise in these cases to efficiently move them along to a final ruling. She also has years of experience in mediating these types of disputes privately and through court-annexed mediation.